26 July 2008

Dog Days of Summer

Like many dog-owners, I rely heavily on the versatility and indestructibility of Uber Dog Toy, aka the Kong. My dogs each have their own, though that ownership can reverse itself any time in a single toothy instant. Surely one of the most fun (and let's face it, time-consuming) features of the Kong is its dark and rubbery snack cave - pop a treat in there and your dog will enjoy not only the treat, but the game of getting it out. Kongs even come with their own recipe list - though I have an issue with some of their recipes. They use too much people food (a lot of it, unhealthy), like macaroni and cheese, eggs and yogurt. With a few (healthy and dog-friendly) exceptions - and with total admiration for the hardy souls who make their own pet food from scratch - I believe pets should stick to pet food. With that in mind, try this instead:


Peanut butter
Dry dog food

Take a handful of dry dog food and place in a bowl of water - just enough water so that the dry food floats a little. Soak for an hour or more - until food is easily mashable and water is almost entirely absorbed by food. Add ripe (or over-ripe) banana and creamy, low-fat peanut butter at your discretion (keeping in mind that peanut butter is fattening to dogs, too!). Mix until it becomes a paste with some chunks in it. (I couldn't bring myself to use the phrase "chunky paste.") Give it to them as is or freeze for several hours first. 

*I highly recommend freezing - especially on a hot summer day and especially if you have to go out for a few hours without your canine companion - as this will provide a great, healthy project. These treats are best given outside or on a kitchen floor that can be easily cleaned. Depending on your dog, they can be a bit messy for rugs! 

**Be sure to feed your dog a bit less at meal time on days when he or she has a food-packed Kong treat - they are almost meals in themselves! 


Low-sodium chicken broth
Duct tape
That's right, I said duct tape

Cover hole on smaller end of Kong with a patch of duct tape. Holding Kong duct-taped-end-down, pour chicken broth-water mixture (whatever ratio you'd like) in through the bigger hole, then freeze. Be sure and remove duct tape before serving!

I also use the above recipe (minus the duct tape) for ice licks on hot summer days. Instead of using the Kong, pour chicken broth and water mixture into a tupperware container instead. Then freeze.

You can also make a peanut butter and water ice lick, though you might want to heat the peanut butter first so that it will more easily mix with the water. Then freeze.

1 comment:

Brooklynhells said...

did you know kongs can be sexy too? check out this funny Ghost spoof:
